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Shop – Children of Gaia

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In Rendaraia, where nature, magic, and civilization have long coexisted, strangers of unknown origin are invading. As war rages between the Terran interlopers and Rendaraian natives, hundreds of unique cultures of wildly varying technologies, traditions, and species are ravaged by a society driven by the rapacious demands of a politically divided empire. But there is more at stake than land or culture: Rendaraia and its invaders are linked far more deeply than anyone realizes.

In a lavish fantasy setting, battles are waged with soldiers and lovers; magic and steel; diplomacy and gunpowder. Children of Gaia is a vast universe; the backdrop for an epic, ongoing story told across multiple media. Works in progress include: illustrated novels, comics, art books, RPGs, and more. Check out our PROJECTS page on the Children of Gaia website to see what’s out and what’s coming down the line.

Children of Gaia Stories

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    Tish M.

    The COG world just keeps growing bigger and more amazingly immersive! Can't wait for the next book!

  • Michael Hickam

    Absolutely loved the artwork and attention to detail in COG Refuge. It was a great story with amazing art that draws you in and keeps you entranced.

  • Brandon Province

    I ADORE the Children of Gaia storyline! Refuge is yet another impeccable example of superior writing and illustration within the comic industry. I can't wait for more.

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    rosetta mcbride

    I love it, please make more stories with these characters

  • A gorgeous book with each lush illustration more fantastical than the last! A very imaginative world is explored, part concept art, part narrative, all fascinating!

  • rosetta mcbride

    I really love the characters & the story and I really hope the characters return in more stories

  • Jessica Williams

    The Great Nations of Rendaraia takes you on a beautiful and emotional journey that will stay with you longer after you finish reading it. This book is a stroke of genius, written from the perspective of one of the characters in the world. The sombre tone of the book is made all the more powerful by the fictional writer's desperate desire to preserve his knowledge in the wake of tragedy. It's extremely immersive and makes you feel as though you were right there with him. The level of detail and intricacies of this story are nothing short of mindblowing.

    Accompanying the outstanding narrative you will find a series of gorgeous illustrations by Jayel Draco himself. They are incredibly detailed and work very well with the story to bring this well-conceived world to life.

    From the well written, evocative narrative to the absolutely stunning illustrations, this story is one that will touch your heart and mind and leave you wanting more. Jayel Draco has proven himself to be not only an incredibly talented…

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  • Jessica Williams

    The Great Nations of Rendaraia takes you on a beautiful and emotional journey that will stay with you long after you finish reading it. This book is a stroke of genius, written from the perspective of one of the characters in the world of Children of Gaia. The sombre tone of the book is made all the more powerful by the sense of urgency that accompanies the fictional writer's desperate desire to preserve his knowledge in the wake of tragedy. It's extremely immersive and makes you feel as though you were right there with him. The level of detail and intricacies of this story are nothing short of mindblowing.

    Accompanying the outstanding narrative you will find gorgeous illustrations by Jayel Draco himself. They are incredibly detailed and work very well with the story to bring this well-conceived world to life.

    From the well-written, evocative and incredibly intricate narrative to the absolutely stunning illustrations, this story…

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