video still Q&A lynsey g why tracy queen is important

Video: Why Is Tracy Queen Important?

During a live-streamed Q&A held last weekend on Twitch, one of Oneshi Press’s kick-ass community members asked writer Lynsey G. why her graphic novel, Tracy Queen, is important. Here was her answer, captured live during the stream on Twitch!

Here’s the TLDR version: Tracy Queen is a character who’s far from perfect. But her journey, from repressed and fearful to a fully empowered, confident, sex-positive, feminist love warrior can change the narrative. There are few examples out there of imperfect characters who want to do better, who often fail but keep on trying, and who strive to be who they are, regardless of what others think. Tracy’s journey is beset by naysayers and troublemakers who want to own her, but she refuses to let them stop her from becoming her very best self.

Oneshi Press is currently raising funds to print the first volume of Tracy’s epic, sex-positive, sci-fi graphic novel on Kickstarter! We’d be every so much obliged if you could share this link with the world, to help get the word out!

The world needs more stories about folks who try their best, no matter how hard the struggle or how far away they are from “perfect”! Thank you for sharing!

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