Adrian King
Adrian King (He/They) is writer, podcaster, and voice-actor. He spent his childhood and adolescence in a hyperbolic time chamber, absorbing near-fatal doses of pop culture trivia and obscure song lyrics. He emerged in his mid-twenties and has not been able to stop talking since, a move that would culminate in the creation of the Adrian Has Issues Podcast. He is also legally obligated to tell you that he was born and raised in New Jersey and that it’s called “Taylor Ham.”
Podcast host with the most, who has helped Oneshi with getting the word out about our various projects, not only has Adrian helped with P.R. by having Oneshi on his show numerous times, but he also did the Voice Acting for Handsome Farmer Curtis, head of The Zombie Adoption Program at The Sanctuary for the Living Impaired. He’s provided Sensitivity Consultation for the PACK comicbook series. He is also currently helping to draft a secret Mr. Guy/ZAP spin-off project that you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for.