Jenny Williamson is one of the co-writers and contributors to the franchise of Children of Gaia. She also wrote Lungs and the Ghosts of Lungs featured in Oneshi Press Comic Anthology 8.
Jenny is a poet and fiction writer living in Brooklyn. Her work is published in journals including East Coast Literary Review, Diode, Arsenic Lobster, and Vox Poetica, and elsewhere. Her poetry chapbook, Collection of Flaws in a Black Dress, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2016, and she is the co-host of the Ancient History Fangirl podcast.
Jenny is also an actress and model; favorite gigs include acting on the Globe Theatre in London, appearing on the cover of a romance novel (Taken By the Night by Katherine Smith), and modelling an AeroAddaKesh of Aloranaia for Jayel Draco’s compilation of photo-manipulations set in the world of Children of Gaia.