Tag: opca
Anthology #14: SIDEQUESTS
Call for Submissions SIDEQUESTS Sometimes, stories don’t take a straight path from origin to destination. The journey you set out on has a way of becoming something more, but you gain experience and wisdom (and maybe cohorts) along the way. In order to reach your goal, you’ve got to undertake… A sidequest! Tell us all…
Anthology #13: Cohorts – Call for Submissions
Companions. Colleagues. Comrades. Co-pilots. Co-conspirators. COHORTS. Epic team-ups of besties & baddies…show us yours in an 8-page comic.
Anthology #12: Destinations – Call for Submissions
Tell us about your DESTINATIONS in an eight-page comic for Oneshi Press’s 12th comics anthology! Here’s everything you need to know…
Spinwhiz Is Oneshi Press’s New Digital Comics Home!
Oneshi Press is proud to announce that we’ve partnered with Spinwhiz Comics, a new digital comics platform!