“Crossing” #1 – #4
Written by Enrica Jang, illustrated by Alex Cormack, lettered by Mark Mullaney. Guest art by Jan Velazquez. Published by Red Stylo Media.

Content warning: Death, suicide, ghosts.

“So page-turning and smart, it’s almost like I could have written it!”
Hi there, folks. It is I, Krossing Follower Kat Fish, and I’m not even pretending not to be biased about the comic I’m reviewing today: “Crossing.” Because I’m so freaking excited about this series! Okay, okay, I’m gonna calm down. I’m a comic book reviewer now. Gotta be objective. Gotta treat this seriously.
So. Seriously. This comic series from Enrica Jang, Alex Cormack, and Mark Mullaney via Red Stylo Media? It has everything. The plot is so intricate and page-turning and smart…it’s almost like I could have written it! But I didn’t. Enrica Jang did. And she did it really well.
So “Crossing” is a ghost story, which means it’s spooky. And it’s got zombies, so it’s doubly creepy. But it’s not a horror comic. It’s more of a mystery! And it’s definitely got some psychological thriller aspects, too. That’s so many genres! But the most amazing part is that these puzzle pieces all fit together to create a riveting story I literally could not put down. For real, I was gonna just review issue #1, but I liked it so much I ended up reading all four issues that are out!
“So many genres! I don’t even know how to cosplay for ‘Crossing’!”
So here’s the deal: M.C. Tejada is a normal guy on his first day as an engineer on the Baltimore – DC commuter train run. He’s at the top of his game, enjoying his job, when suddenly…he sees someone on the tracks. Since he’s going at top speed, he can’t possibly slow down in time. And she isn’t moving. Moments after the collision, he’s trying to process what just happened when the woman he just hit appears inside the train, right beside him. WHAT?!
Cut to months later, and the woman—whose name is Nina—is living in his apartment. Or, rather, she’s not living there, since she’s a ghost. She’s tethered to him in some mystical way, so he can’t get rid of her. And even worse? They can’t stand each other. Wracked by guilt over what happened to Nina and on the verge of losing it if she won’t get out of his apartment, he finds a therapy group for people with PTSD. But it turns out that the group is made up entirely of other train engineers…and the ghosts of the people they collided with.
As the group members get to know M.C. and Nina, their personalities come out, along with their own struggles. It turns out that ghosts—or, as the group leader calls them, “soul companions”—are real. And the group is collectively trying to figure out how to get these ones to “cross over” to the other side. Or touch physical objects. Or to get the silent one in the corner to talk. To do anything, really.
In time, Nina discovers that she has a lot in common with one of the other spectres. A complex web of lies, mind control, gentrification, power grabs, and energy bars begins to reveal itself. If only she and her spectral friend can convince the living to listen to them so they can set things right. Along the way they have to explore their own families, their privilege, their memories, and their own hearts.
“I’d make a really good ghost, don’t you think?”
It. Is. Intense. And surprisingly sweet and funny in parts, too. Basically it’s really good and I love it. The only thing that could make it better, obviously, would be me. I’d make a really good ghost, don’t you think? I’d be almost as good at being a ghost as I am at being a reviewer! Aren’t I doing such a good job right now?!
Speaking of being a Krazy Fantastic reviewer, I’ve gotta add: the art by Alex Cormack is gorgeous! It strikes a nice balance between a realistic style and…well…you know…ghosts. And the ghostly effects are eyeball-popping beautiful. Plus, these comics have all kinds of other visual goodies, too, like concept art, character and page design notes, scripts, and even bonus art from Jan Velazquez in issue #3! It’s a bonanza of beauty!
But anyway, look. I really can’t drop spoilers because the mystery continues to deepen with every issue of “Crossing”! I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I can’t wait to find out when Issue #5 comes along.
There’s an announcement about the Kickstarter to fund “Crossing” #5 coming any day now, so keep your eyes on Enrica Jang’s profile for updates! In the meantime, head over to RedStylo.com to grab your own copies of “Crossing” #1 – #4. You’re going to get just as fanatical about “Crossing” as Krossing Fanatic Kat Fish, signing off for meow.

Five Starfish + 1 Sea Cucumber for “Crossing”
“Crossing” #5 is Kickstarting RIGHT THE HECK NOW! Head over to the campaign to support the next issue and grab own copies of “Crossing” #1 – #4.
You’re going to get just as fanatical about “Crossing” as Kucumber Fearing Kat Fish, signing off for meow.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, here are some resources you can access, as recommended in “Crossing”:
Warning signs of depression can sometimes be missed, but if you see or suspect someone is suffering, take a moment to stop and listen. Ask them if they need help. Don’t know what else to do? Pass along one of these numbers. You can even call one yourself to learn how to activate help.
- Suicide Prevention: 800-273-8255
- Crisis helpline: text START to 741741 for trained volunteers
- International centers: WWW.IASP.INFO

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