tracy queen dong hit

Don’t Miss Our LIVE “Tracy Queen” Q&A! (October 20)

tracy queen dong hit
Tracy’s a lover…AND a fighter.

We are super-duper excited to announce an extra-special live-stream. Tomorrow afternoon (that’s Saturday, October 20, by the way), the Oneshi Press co-founders will hold a live Q&A about their favorite feminist hero—Tracy Queen! At 1:00 p.m. Mountain Time (which is 3:00 Eastern, 12:00 Pacific) Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco will answer your queries about the mafia boss–turned–porn star–turned–warlord you’ve all been wondering about.

She’s empowered AF, she’s crass and refined by turns, she’s impossibly beautiful, and she’s a hot mess. She’s got a talking raccoon BFF, a cyborg-clone army at her back, a bazillion sex toys, and zero fucks to give. And she’s coming soon to a Kickstarter near you!

Drop by the live-stream this Saturday to hear her creators go into detail about the pulpy, gonzo, sci-fi epic they’re working on. If you’ve been wondering how the hell she got to be BFFs with a talking raccoon, why she spends so much on sex toys, how she decided to make an army of cyborg-clones, or…you know…any of that… Now’s your opportunity to find out! Ask all your questions and the creators of this ridiculously fun graphic novel will answered them. And, hey, have a great Saturday afternoon with the Oneshi Press community while you’re at it!

We can’t wait to see you there!

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