Oneshi Press is proud to be the indie comics publisher that gives a shit. Right now, we particularly give a shit about keeping our fans safe, healthy, and entertained. And we’re ready to help with creator-owned media that’s gorgeous, immersive, progressive, and entertaining as heck.
We’ve just taken 75% off ALL of our digital downloads of comics, graphic novels, art books, and even music! Right now, you can download Oneshi Press comics anthologies, standalone comic books, graphic novels, illustrated fantasy art books, and even music for a fraction of their normal cost. And then, because they’re digital, you can enjoy them immediately on your device! No need to leave the house, risk your safety or the safety of others, or even move anything except your hands!
Want to check out Tracy Queen‘s kooky, pleasure-positive adventures? Volume 1 is 75% off. Interested in the PACK’s gritty take on canine vigilantism? Issues #1 and #2 are both 75% off. Looking for a treasure trove of creator-owned short comics that will blow your mind? All our comics anthologies are 75% off. Feel like losing yourself in a vast sci-fi/fantasy universe? Our Children of Gaia fantasy art books and one-shot short comics are 75% off. Even the brand-new Great Nations Soundtrack, Jack Schell’s glorious album, is bundled together with The Great Nations of Rendaraia, and it’s 75% freaking off!
So, please, take this opportunity to stay inside, stay safe, and enjoy some creator-owned indie creations! They’re a fraction of their normal price. Go get ’em!
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